The most important aspect of purchasing a pair of hearing aids is finding the right professional.  The audiologist you “hire” should have the knowledge to prescribe and fit your ears with the most appropriate hearing devices (ie. hearing aids).  The audiologist spends a number of hours over the first 6 weeks evaluating the hearing, choosing the most appropriate devices, and then programming them to the patient’s ears.  In depth counseling is involved as well as follow-up counseling and adjustment sessions to ensure the patient is adjusting to the new sounds appropriately.  Continued check-ups, tune-ups, and adjustments are necessary over the years as well.  All of this time is not free of charge.  It is usually bundled into the cost of the devices, despite the consumer is under the assumption the professional time is free.

You will start to see more and more audiology practices unbundling their services, such as our practice Advanced Audiology Consultants.  The act of unbundling the services allows the patient to separate the price of the products from the professional time.  Just remember, you don’t simply pay your dentist for the mortor and metal used for your dental work, you are paying for their time and expertise as well. 

There are many places who would like to sell you something.  Be a savvy consumer and find a reputable practice that stands behind not just the product, but provides incredible service for you and your family.  Hearing aids are complicated and learning to understand speech again through corrected hearing can be difficult.  Take the time to find the right professional and you will be happy you did!

Dawn Heiman, AuD
Dawn Heiman, AuD

Dr. Dawn Heiman is an audiologist in private practice in Illinois, President-Elect of the Academy of Doctors of Audiology, the founder of EntreAudiology, and Adjunct Faculty at Rush University. For questions about hearing loss and hearing aids, contact Dr. Heiman at and get your questions answered before you make a costly mistake.