Your Hearing Up Provider in Woodridge, Illinois

Dr. Dawn Heiman

Hearing treatment is a process and you should have the best care possible through your hearing journey!
Before even joining the Hearing Up Network, our audiologist was already using best practices here in Illinois.
Dr. Dawn Heiman and Dr. Cliff Olson teamed up to inspire and help people in Illinois.

Ready to move forward? 


We can help you schedule a customized appointment.

What are Best Practices?

Watch this video to find out what they are and why all providers don't use them.  Long before the Dr. Cliff Referral Network existed, we were already doing best practices. Our audiologist believes strongly in best practices, such as Real Ear Measurement.

Best Practices

Hearing aids do not fit themselves! It takes a skilled practitioner to fit hearing aids to your individual hearing prescription. We have services and expertise at a top level!

You are the Focus

We take the time to get to know you and your specific hearing. Everyone hears differently, so your hearing prescription will be just what fits your ears.

Top Hearing Technology

We work with all major manufacturers of hearing aids, providing you with the the top choices to fit your lifestyle and budget.

5 Star Service

We pride ourselves in our care, excellence, and services. You will receive the best care possible when you come in to meet with us.

Questions about your next step? CLICK HERE

We're here to make it easy to schedule your appointment.

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